Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

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New opportunities for treatment of the musculoskeletal system

BTL-6000 High intensity laser
The High Intensity BTL Laser is a portable device equipped with a touch display and automatic therapy protocols for easy and effective use.
By combining biostimulation and photomechanical stimulation, the High Intensity Laser truly heals tissue and is a powerful, non-addictive pain reliever.
Laser light, because of its coherence and monochrome, can be precisely adjusted and its action precisely predicted.

The high power ensures the deepest penetration of light, guaranteeing the necessary dose to the affected area, which is located deep in the tissues. In addition, the specific length of the photomechanical wave stimulates free nerve endings, thus blocking the passage of pain signals through the nervous system and bringing immediate pain relief.

(с) 2024

Doctor appointment